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Let’s Talk Rain…



It’s been quite a few years since we had a long series of quality rain like this season! So the question that everyone is asking is:


Is the drought over?


Officially, it is, for the northern 40% or so of CA but as I write this us in S California still have “issues”.


But the storms keep coming…still, we basically live in a desert.


So what’s the plan?


Use this “lush” time to establish a landscape that works for you.


Grass works for Golf Courses and Cemeteries. For most property owners, grass is an unneeded expense. Have some just not a yard full or use artificial turf.


Using succulents in place of “thirsty” plants are good but even better are to use plants that produce something of value.


One that doesn’t need many resources (time, water, $$) to look good but that will provide your family food, nutrition even medicine.


Starting in March, we are offering no-cost, virtual brainstorming session by appointment.


We’ll review any pictures you send us, look at your property on Google Earth, talk about your wants/needs and show you some plants or resources for you to be able to take the next step.


For your no cost brainstorming session, please contact us to setup a convenient time.

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