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Efficient Irrigation

Everyone  has been bombarded with drought news over the last couple years and yes, it’s a real problem that isn’t getting better but getting worse.

We can save a significant amount of water by getting rid of our overly thirsty turf and plants but we don’t want to get rid of everything…especially our trees!

The good news is there are tools that help in the process these days and an efficient, automatic irrigation system is at the top of the list.

At a minimum, change out your popup sprinkler heads for more efficient versions.

Rotary replace spray units and shrub and bubbler heads replace spray heads.

As a better alternative, especially in easily accessible areas, is converting from conventional to drip irrigation for both plants and turf.

Speaking of Drip Irrigation, converting an existing conventional irrigation system over to the latest drip will save significant $$ in most cases.

You can even add your nutrients/fertilizer through the systems

saving even more time and effort.

These savings, once in place, happen nearly automatically every month!

Please Contact us to schedule your No Cost Property Consultion

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